Crocheted Flower Photo Tutorial -- Round 2 and 3

Round 2.  Step 1: Insert hook on the space (sp) next to the ending slip stitch (slst) and get ready to attach the new yarn.

Step 2: Using the working end of the new yarn do a yarn over (yo)

Step 3:  Draw up a loop

Step 4:  Using the tail of the yarn, yo once

Step 5:  Draw up a loop through the loop on hook

Step 6:  Pull the tail all the way out the loop

Step 7:  Align the two tails together

Step 8:  Insert hook one space back from the slip stitch as shown.

Step 9:  Yo once

Step 10:  Draw up a loop

Step 11:  *Ch4.  Getting ready to make a  flower petal.

Step 12:  Make tc (triple crochet):  Yo twice so that you see three total loops on hook

Step 13:   Photo shows the completed tc.  Continue making tc by:  Insert hook on the same space where the ch4 is fastened. (Yo once and draw through 2 loops on hook).  Repeat instructions inside the parenthesis three times to complete the tc.

Step 14:  Ch4 and insert hook on the next space/stitch

Step 15:  Yo once, ready to make a sc (single crochet)

Step 16:  Draw up a loop and yo once more

Step 17:  Draw up through 2 loops on hook.  Sc (single crochet) is completed) and 1 petal is completed.

Step 18:  Make a sc on next st to begin the next petal.*

Repeat Steps 11 to 18 over and over until there are six petals around the ring.  End round 2 with a slip stitch on the same space as the beginning ch4.

Photo above shows the flower motif after round 2 is completed.  Ready to do Round 3

Round 3

Step 1:  Ch5

Step 2:   Sc on top of next tc post.  Note:  Refer to steps 15 to 17 to make a sc.

Step 3:  Ch 5

Step 4:  Sc between the next 2 sc between the flower petals

Photo above shows the completed single crochet between petals.

Repeat steps 1 to 4 over and over until all 6 petals are done.  End this round with a slip stitch at the first ch of begining ch5.  Close the slip stitch by pulling the yarn tight and clip the yarn leaving a one and a half tail.

Picture above shows the completed Round 3 and the completed flower motif.

Refer to my posts for Round 1; 4 and 5  to get the whole instructions for the project.

I apologize that the instructions for the project is not all in one post but this is the best that I can do for now  I hope you all find the instructions helpful and if not, at least encouraging and motivational to try to use colors in crochet.

What was discouraging to me in using different color of yarns  in a project is the daunting task of having to hide all the tails one by one.  In this project, the tails are crocheted over as one do the subsequent round.

Enjoy crochet everyone!  Please leave me a feed back.  Thanks for stopping by.


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